Sunday, December 21, 2008

My first batch of home brew

It was a cold day in December 2008 and we purchased the kit for Honey Nut Brown Ale from for $27. In @PunkAss's garage we setup the boiling five gallons of water. We added an additional 1lb. of amber DME (Dried Malt Extract).

We then sorted out the ingredients and and waited until we had a full boil.

Boiling for 75-90 minutes

@PunkAss filled the water lock with vodka, the good kind.

And now the waiting starts for the fermentation to complete. see ya when the bottling happens.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Catching up

At the end of 2008 I joined forces with @PunkAss to make some beer. Not for the savings but because I was interested on how the process of beer making is done. I ended up only helping in shopping for supplies, added the priming sugar to carbonate, bottling of his batch and drinking some. Needless to say, it was fun and tasty! I was hooked. I tasted the Red Hawk Ale and even though it had not been carbonated yet, it was good. -yodamon

Monday, December 1, 2008

Sparks Nevada Home Brew starts up

Hi, I'm Les Taylor aka @yodamon (

Recently, I've been making my own beer with blogger @PunkAss.

I decided to create this blog to follow this endeavor of ours. So stay tuned and I will give you a personal tour of our findings.