Friday, January 16, 2009

searching for a new beer receipe

@PunkAss and I went to Reno Homebrewer last night looking for some supplies and a new recipe. We looked around and read up on several different ones. We settled on the Irish Stout for about $30. We had several questions, I think I remember the answers he gave:
  • Being that an Irish Stout is very active how do we handle an active fermentation?
    RH Answer: Ferment in a 6 gallon carboy and after the activity subsides a bit, transfer to a 5 gallon carboy.
  • What yeast should we use?
    RH Answer: An English yeast
  • Some books cook the wort in 1.5 gallon and then add additional water at the end. What does RH think.
    RH Answer: They didn't think that cooking in a small pot allowed the flavors to come out completely. Stick with the 5 gallon boil.
Questsions still to ask: Water, tap or bottled, using tap to rinse bottles...

Reno Homebrewer has a good selection of beer that you can drink while you shop. I bought an Liberty Ale and it was very good and would definitely like more. -yo

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