Sunday, April 19, 2009

Brewing a Porter

To start the day we pour a draft from our last batch. Very good.

@PunkAss and I went to the Sierra Peak tap house in down town Reno to get a sampling of different type of beers for our choice today. Today's batch is a Porter.

This is the draft from our last batch.

Here is the recipe of the Porter that we selected.

We continue with the non-city water experiment though we are trying a different brand.

We replaced a leaking valve on the carboy.

We start the day by cleaning with bleach and a sterilization of all the tools and containers with iodine.

Here are the ingredients for the Porter.

While boiling we had a few boilovers.

When all is cooked and cooled we add the yeast.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Kegging the beer.

@Punkass kegged the latest batch of Sierra Ale and sent the following picture and information.

"New ale seems nice. Obviously flat right now, light and clean tasting. Could be hoppier but that might pick up after carbonation. I purged the keg 3x to replace oxygen with CO2. Pressured to 15psi and put in fridge to cool. Once cool (tomorrow), I'll up pressure to 30psi and it should be ok within hours."

Thursday, April 9, 2009

At week one a carboy transfer to clarify. Maybe kegging this next weekend.
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